Monday, November 14, 2011

Music That Inspires My Writing

NaBloPoMo Post #14

 I've seen a lot of conversations on author blogs and chats about what music inspires them when they write, do they listen to music while writing and so on. So I though I'd share my musical inspirations.

Generally, I do not listen to music while writing (although I often have TV playing in the background). However, when I'm on the move, I usually have headphones in my ears. Music has always been a huge part of my day and my inspiration. Whatever mood I'm in, it either makes me feel stronger, uplifts me or just keeps me company.

My musical tastes are fairly eclectic. I listen to all kinds of music. Some artists I love to the point where I will buy everything I can find by them. Others, I will only love one or two songs and will not rush to buy the rest of their wok. I'm ruled by moods when it comes to what I listen to.

Here's a sampler of what music I love.

Depeche Mode
Did you ever have a music group/band that went through many years with you and you feel like almost every song applied to some point of your life? Well, Depeche Mode is that group for me. I have been listening to them since I was 11 or 12 and I have all of their albums, including remixes, on my ipod.

Here's the list of some of the other groups that have special spots in my heart and on my ipod

And One
Beborn Beton
Black Lab
Blue Stone
Breaking Benjamin
Celtic Woman
Conjure One
Dream Theater
In The Nursery
Theatre of Tragedy
Within Temptation

This is just a sample of my playlists. Yes, as you can see...very eclectic.

I'm continuing to build my music collection constantly, so if you have any suggestions for me, I'd love to hear them.


  1. Out of the ones you listed, I like Depeche Mode, Enigma, Shakira, Delerium, Evanascence, Garbage, Hooverphonics, and Madonna. I also enjoy listening to The Beatles. In fact, I've noticed that any one of their songs is perfect for listening in any type of a situation, whether it be doing homework, drawing, or jogging. I'm a fan of Queen, Wolf Parade, The Shins, and Aphex Twin, among many others, although I'd have to type a lot more to list them all down. I have songs and albums from artists in almost every genre. The only genres that I don't like are country and rap. :D

  2. Love Queen. Have to check out the others you mentioned, Rebecca. I'm not a fan of rap either :D

  3. I can't listen to music while I write. I find it too distracting. But, I do love music!


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