Thursday, October 27, 2011

Favorite Writing Craft Websites

I find myself searching through various writing websites almost every day. There are many wonderful helpful sites out there and browsing through them has a dual purpose for me

1)      it’s another way to learn more about the craft of writing and to keep up to date on what’s happening in the writing world ; and
2)       it provides constant inspiration

I’d like to share just a few of my favorite writing craft websites here.

Writer’s Digest – lots of articles on the craft for and by writers. Many articles are free, subscribing gives access to even more content. Also, when you subscribe to their free weekly email newsletter, you will receive a list of “101 Best Websites for Writers” as a gift – lots of articles, various writing contests, writing tools and much more. Free to join – how-to articles, advice for writers at any stage of their career, and great forums on everything from writing tips, querying and publishing discussions and just pure venting sessions

Pitch University – the leader in helping authors learn how to pitch and to overcome their pitching fears, free classes, forums and great case studies!

I also love to check out author websites. Besides finding out fun facts about the writers and getting full lists of their books, there are often articles by these authors with advice on the writing craft.

And of course, I cannot forget to mention another great resource – blogs. As a matter of fact, blogs are probably the most inspirational and useful resource of all. The content is always fresh and often presented in a fun form that is easy and interesting to follow.

Watch for a post next week listing my favorite writer/writing blogs.

What are your favorite writing websites to visit? Which ones do you find most useful?  Please share.

1 comment:

  1. Great sites! I am also a huge fan of blogs. I love to open up Blogger and see the list of newly updated posts from blogs that I follow. I scan the titles and see which I want to read first. It's so much fun and I usually learn something new about the craft. For example, today, I opened Lisa's blog from Paranormal Point of View, and she wrote about making it "pay off" in the climactic scenes of your work. I am also about to come up to the pivotal scene in my WIP, so this post worked perfect for me and so timely. YAY for blogs!


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