Saturday, December 29, 2012

So what are my non-resolutions for 2013?

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not making resolutions this year the way I do every year. However, it doesn't mean that I don't have a list of them. I just call them goals.

It's going to be a very busy year for me and my hubby (including buying a house) but I'm going to be working hard to achieve these goals.

Here are some of those goals:

Finish my individual novel

Finish a couple of works with my writing partner

Write a few short stories and maybe enter some in contests

Keep studying the craft

Keep up with the blog schedule and produce interesting good content for my readers

Make scrap books of hubby's and my travels

Get to the next level of my career at day job

Keep up with my new fitness routines and work on a healthy lifestyle plan (and stick to it)

Read at least ten more books then last year (I got to almost 40 books this year)

Get even more involved in the online writing community

Continue to support and raise money for animal anti-abuse, rescue and preservation organizations

These are just some of the goals, and and I'm sure there will be more as the year rolls along.

I'm looking forward to meeting 2013 with enthusiasm and enjoying every step of the journey to reach these goals.

1 comment:

  1. I think those are all very realistic and achievable goals. Good luck!


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