Even though I haven’t had a lot of time lately to post to the blog as often as I want to, I love coming up with new fun topics for it. This post, however, was a no brainer, because my blog got nominated by a very cool person – my awesome writing partner Tina Moss – for my first blog award and I’m extremely excited about it. Please check out her own stylish blog: http://www.tinamoss.blogspot.com/
And now, with much pleasure, I’m passing on this award to other wonderful bloggers, with the following rules:
- Thank and link to the person(s) who nominated you;
- Share seven random facts about yourself;
- Pass the award along to five blogging buddies;
- Contact those buddies to congratulate them.
And the award goes to these awesome and stylish bloggers (I’m breaking the rules and nominating 6):
- TS Tate http://tstate.blogspot.com/
- Lela Gwen http://www.fullfrontalfantasy.com/
- Karen Strong http://www.karen-strong.com/
- Roberta Walker http://frobertawalker.blogspot.com/
- Dearhart aka Eri http://www.dearharts.com/#v
- LM Preston http://lmpreston.blogspot.com/
And now for the 7 Random facts about me:

2) I was born in Kiev, Ukraine and came to America when I was 13 years old. I haven’t been back since, but hoping to visit in the next couple of years.

3) I learned to dive before I could swim. My dad taught me both.
4) I use to paint with watercolors all my childhood and into my teens. I was best at painting still-life and nature but always wanted to learn to draw people. It is still one of my goals when I get some free time (hmmm…when will that be?)
[caption id="attachment_93" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Kirk"]

My husband and I had three cats named after the original Star Trek characters – Captain James T. Kirk, Mr. Spock and Bones. Kirk and Spock passed away within the last year and so now Bones is learning to be the alpha cat. Kirk was always the alpha cat and was like a son to my husband especially. I was always a dog person but these three cats became my “children” and I cannot imagine my life without them now.
[caption id="attachment_94" align="alignleft" width="144" caption="Bones"]

6) One of my absolutely all-time favorite books is “Master and Margarita” by a Russian writer Michael Bulgakov. The book has been translated in many languages and I strongly recommend it to everyone. Here’s the link to it on amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Master-Margarita-Mikhail-Bulgakov/dp/0679760806/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1305492440&sr=1-3

Now please visit the award recipient blogs’ and don’t forget to subscribe to them and spread the word in support. I love being a part of the writer and reader community – it’s one of my dreams come true and I thank you all for that!
Why thank you, darlin. I really appreciate the honor!
ReplyDeleteCan I say your life and talents sound exciting!! Wow :-D Thanks for the nomination.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the award! Wow you're quite good at karate. Now I know who to call for backup!
ReplyDeleteI officially charge you now with getting back to painting. :)